TEMERLOH, 30 April 2020:
A lorry driver pleaded guilty in the sessions court here yesterday to two counts of abusing his two daughters, including pouring hot water on them last week.
The 36-year-old accused from Taman Mawar Impian, Bera near here, made the plea before Temerloh High Court assistant senior registrar Nurul Balkis Zunaidi.
He was charged for causing serious injuries to his nine-year-old daughter by pouring hot water on the girl’s forehead, which allegedly took place at 8.30pm on April 24 at their house.
For the offence, he was charged under Section 326 of the Penal Code, which carries a maximum jail term of 20 years and fine or whipping, upon conviction.
He was also charged under Section 31 (1) (a) of the Child Act 2001 for beating his eight-year-old daughter at the same time and place, which provides a maximum fine of RM20,000 or imprisonment for up to 10 years or both.
The court set June 3 to obtain the victims’ medical reports pending sentencing.
– Bernama