What are Cyber-RT aims?

Cyber-RT aims to let the average person help others in the spirit of Rukun Tetangga or community policing – to increase the sense of security for everyone. With live camera feeds visible 24/7, plus 3-day archives accessible to authorised parties, the aim is to reduce petty crimes and traffic offences all over Malaysia.

How do I participate in Cyber-RT?

You need at least a camera (CCTV, Android or iOS device) and land-based Internet connected to a WiFi router. Full details can be found on the Join page. Once you’ve registered the camera(s), stick them on a window and aim at a public access area.

How much does it cost to join Cyber-RT?

Participating in the Cyber-RT project is free – you use your existing Internet link plus an old Android or iOS device. There are no extra charges and you’re responsible for your own cameras and Internet costs.

What do I get for participating in Cyber-RT?

As this is a voluntary community effort, you don’t get paid. The main benefit is knowing others are volunteering their cameras too as a collective effort to make Malaysia safer.

Won’t there be privacy issues with Cyber-RT?

Only if participants point their cameras and violate the privacy of others. Anyone who feels their privacy is being violated should send a complaint to [email protected] with details of the offending camera and the livestream will be removed from public view. The camera concerned will be accessible to the public again once it has been pointed properly to public access areas.

Why does the live video keeps getting cut off?

To prevent stalkers, the live video is automatically cut off within 45 seconds. There is also automatic tracking if there’s anyone who keeps on viewing the same set of live video feeds – these details may be shared with enforcement agencies.

Live video is continuous and doesn’t get cut off if you’re viewing via your own domain (eg: “mytreeview.duckdns.org”).

Will I get access to archive videos?

The public won’t have access to archived videos – this is restricted to authorised parties like the police, local councils, enforcement agencies and insurance firms. Only live videos are available for public viewing.

Can I retrieve archive videos for my own camera(s)?

No, you need to store your own archive videos. But you can send a request to [email protected] if the archived video is needed for investigation purposes by authorised & enforcement parties.