Honest cabbie earns police praise

SHAH ALAM, 20 Aug 2017: 

An act of honesty by a taxi driver in returning a camera tripod – which was accidentally left behind by the Thai men’s futsal squad manager – has earned the praise of Shah Alam police.

District police chief ACP Shafien Mamat said police received a report at 6.10pm on Friday from a 55-year-old man that he had left his camera tripod in a taxi.

He said the incident occurred when the officer took the taxi from Panasonic Sport Complex to return to his hotel here.

Shafien said the officer was relieved when taxi driver Cheong Theam Kwai, 51, personally sent the missing equipment to a colleague of the officer two hours later.

“In the light of a theft case involving a bus driver,  Cheong’s honesty should be lauded.”

Meanwhile, Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) would be hauling up the management of Kiffah Travel and Tours Sdn Bhd to assist investigations in the case of a SEA Games driver from the company who was believed to be driving without a licence.

SPAD in a statement said the operator and driver involved in the Games should strictly adhere to licensing requirements and the Industry Code of Practice (ICOP).

According to the statement, more than 100 SPAD enforcement officers would be deployed at all sports event locations to step up enforcement on compliance of regulations and the ICOP.

– Bernama

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