Anti-Profiteering amendment bill passed in Parliament

KUALA LUMPUR, 3 Aug 2017: 

The Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Amendment) 2017 – aimed at promoting transparency in the display, advertisement, publication or quotation of prices and charges exhibitions, advertisements or tenders or charges – was passed by the Dewan Rakyat yesterday.

The bill was tabled by Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin before Deputy Dewan Rakyat Speaker Datuk Seri Ismail Mohamed Said, after getting majority support from members of the house.

Hamzah, when rounding-up the debate on the bill, said it was aimed to facilitate implementation of the Single Pricing Policy – by displaying the price of goods to ensure consumers would not be confused or manipulated by traders, including online traders.

“It is to give a sense of responsibility on all quarters, especially traders and consumers in the country. The price displayed by traders should not be changed. I don’t want to see any more  traders trying to cheat and do tricks with their advertisements.”

However, he said, traders could still give discount on the price that was displayed.

Earlier during the debate, Datuk Seri Dr Irmohizam Ibrahim (BN-Kuala Selangor) suggested the ministry  creates a special application for consumers to channel their complaints direct to the ministry, and also for the ministry to enhance law enforcement.

“It is my hope that the ministry emphasises on enforcement of the law through inspections to stop traders from manipulating the price of goods to reap more profit.”

Meanwhile, Anuar Abd Manap (BN-Sekijang) in his debate, said implementation of the Single Pricing Policy  was apt to avoid confusion among consumers and prevent them from manipulation by traders.

“This is to ensure the public is no longer deceived by offers of cheap price, not knowing that there are hidden charges  which resulted in consumers paying more.”

Anuar also suggested the ministry issue guidelines on reasonable prices of food at food shops or restaurants periodically according to market price to help the public to make their choice and know the price they should pay.

Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali (BN-Bagai Serai) said consumers should be smart  when making their choice and to report to the relevant authorities traders who violated trade regulations.

The Parliament also passed the Trade Description (Amendment) Bill 2017.

– Bernama

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