Penang street closures for Deepavali mega sale

GEORGE TOWN, 26 Sept 2017: 

Three streets in the Little India area here will be closed to traffic for six days in conjunction with the Deepavali Festival Mega Sale which will be celebrated on Oct 18.

Penang Island City Council Infrastructure and Traffic Committee alternate chairman Muhammad Bakhtiar Wan Chik said the three streets would be closed from 9am to 10pm on Oct 7 and 8 – Saturday and Sunday, as well as from Oct 14 to 17.

“These streets are Penang Street, that is between China Street and Chulia Street, Market Street (between Beach Street and Queen Street) and King Street (between Chulia Street and China Street).”

He added that People’s Volunteers Corps (Rela) members would be deployed for traffic control during the closures.

The highlight of  the sale is a lucky draw offering various attractive prizes including a Perodua Myvi car to eligible shoppers.

– Bernama

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