Met Dept: No indication of quake, tsunami soon in Indian Ocean

KUALA LUMPUR, 18 Nov 2017:

The Malaysian Meteorological Department has confirmed no significant seismic activity occurred in the Indian Ocean – following the incident of fish stranded on shores and prediction of major earthquakes in the ocean.

Director-general Alui Bahari said the department had a complete earthquake and tsunami monitoring network – including international data, such as data links with earthquake monitoring centres in Indonesia, India, and Australia , that monitored seismic activity in the Indian Ocean.

“Hence, the department is capable of providing information on earthquake and early tsunami warning, in the event of an earthquake,” he said in a statement yesterday.

Recently, it was viralled on the social media of incidents of fish stranded on the beaches and huge catch by fishermen – purportedly indicating of a disaster happening at the end of the year.

Also viralled was a letter by a professor, who claimed to be gifted with extrasensory powers, sent to Indian prime minister Narendra Modi, to warn of a massive earthquake to hit the Indian Ocean next month.

As the department responsible for monitoring earthquakes in the region, Alui said it would issue information on earthquakes and tsunami warning if they threatened the country’s coastal areas.

– Bernama

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